Transfers! I have a new companion by the name of Elder Welker. He is from St. George Utah, and played football for Dixie. I actually remember seeing him at the 2014 championship. Pretty cool. We also saw eachother in the MTC, and served pretty close to one another down in HuaLian. Super excited for this upcoming transfer.
Funny experience from the week through the words of the one and only Elder Welker!;)
"This week was so cool!! Sophie and Ray were baptized on Wednesday before I took off, and then Jamie was baptized on Saturday! I got permission to go back and attend his baptism, so Elder Coletti and I got into a taxi and took off at what we thought was a time that would get us there about 15-20 minutes early, but then we missed the train. So, we waited about 20 minutes for the next train. As we arrived in 竹北, the time was 9:55, and the baptism started at 10:00. We couldn't find a taxi in sight, so we started booking it to the chapel. Elder Coletti was sprinting to keep up with my long strides haha, and we made it to the chapel around 10:10, where everybody was already waiting for me to get in the picture, so we snapped a couple photos, and then they all went in and started while I got dressed into my baptismal clothing. It is now 10:15. The service was awesome, the talks before the baptism were great, and after not realizing that the baptism of 陳姊妹 was already over (the Sisters also had an investigator getting baptized), Jamie and I stepped in to see all the confused faces of everybody wondering why we took so long hahaha! After the baptism, it was about 10:50. Now, why do I keep mentioning the time? It's because we had a member buying us free lunch at 12:30, and it takes about an hour and a half to get back to our area. So, the only things left on the list now are for Jamie and 陳姊妹 to bear their testimonies, and then for bishop to introduce them to the ward. Well, the testimonies were awesome, but were pretty long, and so now it was about 11:00. Bishop gets up, and I'm like, "alright, let's make this a short one." But did he hear my thoughts? No. Did he see the anxiety that was in my eyes as I was trying to hide the emotions I was feeling with a smile on my face? Not at all. What he did was teach gospel principles class!! Every time it seemed like he was about to wrap things up, another thought came to his mind, and after 20 minutes of listening to his sermon, we sang the slowest, or to us it seemed like the slowest, "come follow me" I have ever been a part of. But it finished, and then the closing prayer was said. That was followed by two second congratulations hugs and then we booked it out of there so fast that most people didn't even notice that we had left. It is now about 11:35, and we flag down the first taxi we see and tell him to book it. But to where? We knew there was only one way to get to our free lunch. So we took to high-speed rail. The taxi driver punched the gas, swerved through the traffic, ran numerous red lights, and disregarded the fact that he had butted the 12 cars that were waiting in the left turning lane. All for us. I love that taxi driver. So when we got to the high-speed rail, we embarked on the fastest train ride experience I have ever been a part of, and now we were in 桃園, or where we? Yes we were, but we were in the farthest part of our area. It is now 12:10. We race outside, find a taxi driver, and just like the last guy tell him to step on it! He too weaved through the traffic, flying at speeds that only the high-speed rail was capable of going, but he did stop at red lights. We disembarked his car at about 12:30, where we walked in like champions, awaiting our wonderful meal that we assumed we probably could have paid for with the money we spent on travel (which was about $30 American dollars)😂"
Truly love every single one of you. Thank you for always being there for me! I love hearing/ reading that everyone is doing good. Keep thriving in the gospel and striving to do better. That's is the only way that we can make it back. Can't stop, won't stop, like the ball team.
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