July 2015-July 2018

July 2015-July 2018

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Captained by Christ

Elder Coletti's Letter 09/18/2016:

Good Morning from Taiwan!  Hope everyone's weeks were just as calm and peaceful as it was here in Taiwan!:)  We had Typhoons here, but they didn't live up to the hype.  I want to experience at least 1 REAL bad typhoon in Taiwan.  Is that a bad thing to ask for?! ;)

This week was full of stress.  There were lots of people crying to me and me having to listen, sometimes with them criticizing me. Some people use agency in a way that they know is wrong, but they choose wrong anyways. Because of the Mid Autumn Festival and two typhoons, it was nearly impossible to meet or teach anyone. They either didn't want to talk in the rain or they weren't in our area to meet with us.  With all of the tough stuff going on, all of this crazy stress and typhoons swirling about, I still had a peaceful feeling. It was a feeling telling me that every is going to be alright. A feeling that there is a calm after the typhoon. I don't know how to exactly describe it.  I am still really happy about the horizon in front of me, even with the storms going on in the peripherals. I love my mission so much.  I love my Savior.  Today I was reading in Jesus the Christ and I learned a little more a little more about the need for a Savior and how we can't make it in this life without the help of Christ.  I was super moved.  I loved it.  We cannot overcome sin by ourselves.  It is completely impossible.  We cannot overcome our weaknesses by ourselves.  We need a greater force that can push us past our capacity. Christ is this power.  His atonement can be used by all of us.  We just need to realize it, realize that we can accept his help.  I truly love my Savior beyond comprehension.  Sometimes I don't realize how much I love him or how much he impacts me and my life.  He is amazing.  He is perfect and it is through him that we are perfected. 

Go find Christ.  Be captained by Christ. He will lead you past the storms that are raging in front of all of us.  Christ loves you.  He really does.  He loves you all just a little bit more than I do! Okay....a lot more!

Elder Coletti

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